We believe that every animal is inherently special, whether they are domesticated pets or reside on the streets. As a collective, we have embraced a group of these free-roaming animals, welcoming them into our lives as cherished companions. We are committed to providing them with exceptional nourishment, necessary medical attention, and the same level of care bestowed upon any beloved pet. Though their current abode may be the streets, we endeavour to offer them a life beyond that. With the passage of time, we aspire for our community to expand even further.
Allow us to introduce our group.
Brownie is like a baked brownie, sweet like sugar! He is a gastro survivor and a very lovable boy. He loves playing with his brother Chitti who often bullies him! Brownie is very forgiving and loves Chitti. He loves rolling in the sand and playing in the surf.
Chitti is our rascal of the beach! A playful, happy scamp, he loves nothing more than chasing waves and scaring people who he believes are going to steal his shells. He loves eating dry kibble and milk. He is strong and brave. Though he fights, he has a soft heart and loves being petted by his favourite hoomans.
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan is our gravity-defying feline, who fell down 3 floors and had multiple fractures on one leg. With that name, inspired by the legendary martial arts superstar, who's probably broken more bones on screen than anyone else, this little cat somehow convinced us not to give up on him with a gaze that could rival even the most skilled hypnotist. After going through a gruelling leg surgery Jackie Chan is currently in a hospital recovering. We are looking for an equally spirited human so that both can together make a fantastic real life together.
Pari is our Angel who rose above her suffering to lead a joyful life. She was found in a village, on the outskirts of Mumbai, close to death, after she had delivered puppies, all of whom died. She was starving and could barely stand. After being rescued, vaccinated, neutered, she was adopted by kind Fr.Crispino, Principal of Don Bosco School, Matunga. There, she learnt that life can be fun. She is loved deeply by the Canteen owner, the Angelgirls of Greenline office, the guys at Colosseum Gym, the teachers and of course the children. We call these kind hearted people her PARIvar!
Kalu is the Queen of the beach! She sits upon the sand and surveys her kingdom. Though she is terrified of fire-crackers and has run blindly as far as Parel and Mahim in terror, she is brave and strong. She is loving and gentle with those who love her and has a huge fan club.
Raja is our calm, sweet, gentle boy. If anyone fights with him, he immediately rolls onto his back and surrenders peacefully with a smile. Unfortunately, Raja was beaten and lost control of his balance. He is under treatment and with medication and lots of love, he will soon be back searching for crabs on his beach.
Pepsi is our James Bond! Handsome and dashing, he looks as if he is wearing a tuxedo with his white paws and white vest! His sparkling white teeth shine in a cheeky grin! He loves to explore. One night, he strolled to Dadar station, got onto a train, got off at Borivali and reached Shimpoli gao! Luckily, we got him back thanks to our number on his collar!
Blackie is our shy, little darpoke! He is afraid of even the crows! Poor little Blackie is so timid that he doesn't let us come close enough to put on his collar. Hopefully, with time and tender care he will trust us enough to let us near him and into his heart.
Lambu is our distinguised gentleman! All he needs is a top hat and a cigar to complete his dignified look. Not deigning to fight with Mr.Chitti, he strolled down to Chaitraboomi and made less boisterous friends there. Lambu loves to swim and goes for regular dips in the ocean. He has a girlfriend Heena who follows him with adoring eyes. He has people who love him deeply and miss him when they go abroad. Lambu is a certified dude who sits with his paws folded very formally.
Laddo is our Granny dog. She is about 17years old and lives at Dadar Station, Platform no.1, near the TC's office where she sleeps under the fan. She toddles up to the footbridge when she wants a bit of sunshine. She is serene and loves her food so much that some people call her Jaadi! She has a growth on her tummy which is being treated. She is loved by the flower-sellers who give her water regularly. Travellers who pass her by also love to feed her treats.